Success Stories
Mr. Ande Chandra Kiran

You can be excellent at your work, however, when life happens, things may go beyond your control and this is what happened with Mr. Ande Chandra Kiran.

In June 2020, when the social app, TikTok and 50 other apps were banned in India by the Modi Government, at that time, Mr. Ande was working with TikTok as a Senior Manager. TikTok in India decided to do a mass layoff and unfortunately, he was one of the best professionals at TikTok to have lost his job.

While most of his friends panicked and settled for whatever job they could get, Mr. Ande Chandra Kiran got a job with a higher salary package than before because he had a financial fall-back and negotiating power.

During his TikTok days, he had created a strong portfolio and even an emergency corpus with CIIS. This booster fund was sufficient to last for more than 6 months of his expenses. Not just expenses, it gave him peace of mind and stability in his day-to-day activities. His lay-off actually turned to be a blessing in disguise.

I lost my job in 2020, though I was working since 2015 I had zero savings, my company offered severance pay otherwise I would have suffered a lot, but luckily came across Avdesh who supported me in building a foundation with my finances and after a year I was laid off again but this time I was not anxious but confident because of the financial net he created assuring me that I can survive this and since then we had built a solid portfolio which currently helping me focus in my goals instead of finances, today though everyone is anxious about layoffs with the experience of getting laid off twice and with a financial backup I have the confidence to navigate through layoffs or finances with a sound sleep at night. Unless like other advisors who only focus on selling, Avdesh focus on your relationship with money and personal and professional goals and tailor accordingly, which is rare in the present scenario, I won’t be exaggerating but he is indeed Advice Mishra 🙂
Mr. Arif Babasaheb Kazi

Life Stage Events like marriage, planning a child, or divorce are important points in life to revisit financial plans.

When Arif shared the news with Avdesh that he will become a father, both were overjoyed and Avdesh advised to relook at Arif’s financial plan.

During the consultation, Avdesh made him aware that he needs to save more money in order to fulfil all his goals but doing this was as difficult as reducing Arif’s current expenses.

Arif was advised that he needed to find a better-paying job if he wanted to avoid getting into a situation to borrow money later on and take on debt. Arif understood the seriousness of the situation, he didn’t want to get into a debt trap nor wanted to compromise on his financial plan.

Within 30 days, he managed to get a new job that took care of his future expenses and kept him on track to this financial growth plan. Not only did he feel financially confident, but Arif was happy that he did not deviate from his financial plan.

I was looking for several ways to cut costs and raise investments. However, Avdesh with his better understanding of the market situation, rightfully advised that I could raise my earning capacity with current market trends. I took his advice and now I am better prepared to achieve my financial goals.

Mr. Gajraj Singh

In 2018, Gajraj met Avdesh accidentally at his office. Avdesh had come to meet one of his colleagues for consultation.

In the client’s words, “During the conversation, I found him very rational on different investment options along with his skills in communicating the right message. Then and there itself, I decided that I would like to make some investment based on Avdesh’s advice”.

Gajraj Singh moved to the UAE in 2019 along with his family, which included his two sons. He came back to India in 2020, as he found a better opportunity in India. During this time, things got a little tough as he had to make payment for a luxury flat that he booked in Gurgaon, and at the same time, he a had to make a huge donation to his son’s school. 

CIIS was able to help him sail smoothly because of the right asset allocation in mutual funds for both his property in Gurgaon as well as his son’s school donation. We had enough money to liquidate without losing a nickel, though stock markets were bleeding back then.

Timely investment and the right allocation of funds will bring you the financial certainty that you desire. 

Trust, sincerity, excellent knowledge of the market and investments and to top it – honesty with the client and towards his work makes him my Go-to Person for Financial Growth. Avdesh’s sincerity and in-depth knowledge of the market have always impressed me. He knows the ins and outs of the market, understands client requirements, and does a thorough analysis before recommending a portfolio and suggesting investments. He never makes any fake commitment. You can completely rely on his predictions and analysis. He is also a great coach and trainer, without a doubt.

Mr. Rohit Vermani

Rohit Vermani is one of our first clients in 2018 and he did put us in a very precarious position as he asked us to prepare a roadmap with two destinations, one located in the extreme south and the other in the north.

He told us that he has applied for an Australian Visa which he should be getting in a year or two and if by any chance he decides not to go to Australia he would want to buy a luxury home in Bangalore.

Plan A needed liquidity and Plan 2 needed capital appreciation. We customised a folio that had more debt than equity in 2018 and hence we did not see a lot of appreciation in our portfolio.

But then came 2020, a blessing in disguise. Rohit dropped the idea of moving to Australia because of Covid. Now, we had the clarity that he is going to buy a home soon and the stock market was down.

We decided to move money from debt to equity. We were able to make a healthy profit and we easily managed the money that we had as a down-payment for his dream home.

In 2022, Rohit moved to his dream home and is extremely happy with his beloved wife.

We started our investment planning with few goals in mind.  One of them was buying a home and plan it in such a way that it does not hamper our daily life/expenses. We made few changes in the portfolio keeping in mind various factors, withdrawal time, COVID, EMI amount after buying the home, to name a few.

The constant discussions helped me discipline my investment and helped take right decision at right time. All these factors helped me reach one of the milestones in life – buying my dream home.

Mr. Jonathan Joe Pereira

Self-funding a marriage is a goal, every millennial now aspires for. Yes, if you start early, this possibility can become a reality.

In 2019, when we first met Jonathan Joe Pereira, he shared his desire to fund his own marriage and that he didn’t want to burden his parents. Also when we first started working together, he had credit card debts to be paid off, we mapped in a plan.

We started with a focus to reduce the debt to zero and simultaneously started with INR 2000/- per month in SIP. Gradually as the debt was being paid off, we continued to increase the monthly savings. With the right allocation to the portfolio, we increased his return on investment to a substantial amount.

In three years’ time, his portfolio served as a strong financial support that took care of his marriage expenses.  Yes, at CIIS, dreams do come true.

CIIS has helped me a lot in my investment plans, it was introduced by one of my colleagues when I first wanted to begin investing in Mutual Funds. I am very thankful to Avdesh who has guided me at every step of my life he makes sure that I completely understand the fund for which I’m enquiring for and the probable prospects in future. He keeps me informed about the market fluctuations and helps me in managing my portfolio.

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